Year Three and Four Highlights

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Oct 7, 2021

It has been another busy week in Year 3, we started off our week with 100 object day where we explored various museum artefacts and then made our own toy out of recyclable materials. In Maths we are beginning work on addition and subtraction. In
English, we are innovating our story map and coming up with ideas for our own adventure stories. In Science, we looked at how a fossil is formed.

In Year four this week we have been working very hard in maths to understand different number concepts such as negative numbers and Roman numerals. We have begun planning for writing our own non-chronological reports on our very own Robot! In reading we have been learning how to apply our skills to help us answer comprehension question about the text ‘ The Iron Man’. In Topic we have been learning about an Earthquake in Kobe, Japan and we wrote letters describing what happened and how we might have felt if we were survivors of the natural disaster. In science we explored parallel circuits to understand how the current flows in a different way to a series circuit.