Year Five and Six Highlights

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Nov 5, 2021

This week in Year 5 we have come back into school and had somebody hack into Mr Hill’s English video, we are still waiting to find out what their demands are as they haven’t been in contact since Monday. In Maths we have started looking at multiplication and division with identifying multiples and factors, before we move on to square and cube numbers next week. In Geography we have started planning our own geographical field project ahead of going out to complete surveys next week. In Science we are looking at forces this term and have started with gravity before we move on to investigate the effects of air resistance and friction.

We’re back from our break and ready to learn in Year 6. Our writing focus has us debating, discussing and arguing, as we create persuasive texts to put across our point of view on different topics. During the week, we were shocked to hear that Mrs. Bowen was planning to stop breaktime, presenting some very persuasive arguments for her decision. Imagine our relief when we found that this was just an example of the writing style and we were keeping our playtimes…for now!