Nursery Highlights

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Jan 10, 2022

It is nice to see the children back after the Christmas break, and also some new children joined us. The staff are very pleased how the new children have settled and it is like they have been here from the start. The children came back to Nursery to find a huge sock and gown left in the classroom! The children had some great ideas as to where it had come from but most decided it was from a giant. We then listened to our new story ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ and made the giant a new tie. The children have been investigating ice, as we from some in our water tray outside, making run ways and dressing up as the giant. We have also started our phonics lessons which the children are really enjoying and engaged in. The flipped videos will be on YouTube so you can recap at home. Please note from next week every Friday will be ‘physical Friday’. The children can wear their P.E. kits and we will be doing some games. This will get the children ready for P.E. lessons after Easter.