Year Five and Six HIghlights

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Nov 11, 2022

Another busy week in Year 5. In English, the children enjoyed reading more of the class text ‘Robot Girl’ and started to use speech as well as expanded noun phrases. In PSHE, the children explored some of the dangers of being online and how we can keep ourselves safe from any presented risks. Such as: phishing. In Maths, the children continued looking at multiplication and division with emphasis on, factor pairs, square and cube numbers. Last term’s Freeflow project group have been working very hard to raise money for ‘The Living Rainforest’. The children are very proud to announce that they have raised £382 pounds.

This newsletter has been written by the Year 6 children as part of their work of writing in the third person. This week the children have learnt about the heart and started to read the book, ‘Pig Heart Boy’ by Malorie Blackman. Later in the week, the children were able to observe or dissect an animal heart. They have also continued to learn about the circulatory system. Please remember to check Teams for tasks that have been set by your teachers, particularly the Reading Fluency test.