Year Five and Six HIghlights

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Dec 1, 2022

This week in Year 5, the children were converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, using their steps to success. In English, the children learnt all about the features of narrative poetry and identified why that contributes to making a compelling poem. In PE, the children continued to explore the rules and aspects of netball, they had a lot of fun during their mini group games.

Year 6 started the week with an exciting trip to RAF Hendon. Despite a long trip on the coach, once there, we were able to experience what life would be life living during the blitz and evacuated to Anderson shelters. We were able to see many of the planes that fought on both sides of the war, such as the Spitfire and the Hawker Hurricane. The children will use this invaluable experience in their coming topic. The newly elected House Captains have been busy organising the charitable food contributions and enjoying the responsibility of their roles. Also, each Year 6 class has been busy practising their Christmas songs and are looking forward to performing them soon.