Year Five and Six Highlights

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Mar 21, 2023

It’s been another busy week in Year 5! The children have worked extremely hard on their assessments all week. Hawking Class attended a workshop at TLA where they conducted practical experiments with states of matter. The children loved watching the condensation tube and observing a gas turn into a liquid. In RE, the children experienced what it is like to meditate. They followed a guided mediation practice from a real Buddhist monk and enjoyed the mindful practice. It was great to see how passionate the children were when performing their songs to their families at the spring concert.

The week, Year 6 have continued to prepare for their SAT’s. In writing we have completed our ‘Hot Write’ where students wrote an informal letter about the partition of India as if they were there. This has been linked with our work in history where students researched Mahatma Gandhi and produced posters.