Year Three and Four Highlights

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Apr 27, 2023

This week in Year 3 we continued learning about the Civil Rights Movement and wrote our own dialogue for significant historical figures. Our understanding of context was boosted by learning about Georgia in Geography, the state in which Martin Luther King JR was born. In Science, we learned about the Sun as our main source of light on Earth, its potential dangers for our health and how to protect ourselves.

In English, Year 4 have been developing skills in persuasive writing, learning about compound sentences and fronted adverbials. In Science, the children made a lot of noise investigating how sound is made, using a variety of instruments. The children were using their devices to record their findings. In Maths, the children have made progress with their understanding of decimals, being able to multiply single digits by 10 and 100. This week’s winning class of Battle of the Bands is Attenborough! With the times table check coming up in a few weeks, all children need to contribute to help their class win next week!