Year Five and Six Highlights

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May 5, 2023

It’s been a busy week again in Year 5. The children have begun to innovate their newspaper report on the Hidden Figures – its been fantastic hearing the children’s knowledge on the four African-American women who helped in the space race. In art, the children have used their devices to take photos ready for their collage inspired by Sarah Eisenlohr, it was great to see their understanding of proportion. On Friday, the children learnt all about the King’s Coronation and it was lovely to see their enthusiasm around a key event in our own history.

This week in Year 6, all the teachers have been amazed by the dedication and commitment the children have shown. Every lessons we can see a clear improvement as they have become more familiar with the SATs style questions. Well done! All week next week the school is hosting a complimentary breakfast club from 8am for all Year six children to hopefully get them in the right frame of mind.