Year Five and Six Highlights

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Jun 5, 2023

It has been a great start to the last term of the school year. Year 5 have started to learn about Greek mythology in Talk 4 Writing focusing on our key text ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’. They enjoy creating their own mythological object and starting to understand how myths are structured. In History, we have started to look at the Ancient Greek Olympics and creating a timeline about the Ancient Greek civilizations and the key events that happened. They used their knowledge from Year 4 about what an ancient civilization is to help them.

This week in Year 6 we have been working hard, but also on project based activities. In English we have been carrying out research so that we can write our own non-chronological reports. In Maths we have been working in groups to plan a summer fair stall. We have researched what the stall we require, prices for things we might need and started designing advertisements for the stall. We have also thought of a few ways we can advertise our stall before the summer fair happens.