Year Three and Four Highlights

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Jun 20, 2023

This week in Year 3, we learned the acronym MRS GREN which helps us remember how to identify scientifically if something is alive. In English, we wrote out our story map, ‘A Walk in Paris’ with some children using QR codes to assist them. We created our own Islamic geometric designs in RE, and case study pages for our focus areas in Geography. We also thoroughly enjoyed a bunch of activities on Windrush Discovery Day which celebrated the Windrush generation and their contributions to the UK.

First of all, a big congratulations to all of Year 4 for completing their Multiplication Check last week. All the children did a fantastic job and that has continued into this week. In Maths, the children have finished their work with money. In English, the children have been exploring all the grammar needed to make a folktale. We also had a great day learning about the Windrush, exploring Caribbean foods, music, culture and much more. Next week is Sports week, so get those running shoes on!