Year Five and Six Highlights

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Jul 7, 2023

It has been another busy week in Year 5. In English, the children wrote their Hot Tasks for their myths, it was great to see their creativity come across in their work. In Maths, the children continued to identify different types of angles. Using their knowledge, the children were able to identify angles around a point and explain their workings, using key vocabulary. In RE, the children continued to explore different religions views on how to cope with suffering.

This week in Year 6 has been packed full with learning the skills to navigate roads safely with the Bike Ability course. Year 6 have also had first aid training where they learnt how to secure help from emergency services, handle everyday hazards such as Choking and even learn CPR! Year 6 have had a great time this week on their transition day where they have had a small taste of what their secondary school experience will be like.