Year Three and Four Highlights

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Nov 30, 2023

This week in Year 3, we made salads inspired by Syrian cuisine. Some of us loved all the ingredients but others only had a few. Pomegranate was a popular choice. In English, we started looking at poetry and its features. In Geography, we filmed news reports about the Calais Jungle, a refugee camp in France. In Maths, we began a new unit about multiplication and division. If you aren’t already, start practicing at home on Time Tables Rock Stars!

It has been another great week of learning in Year 4. This week, the children have begun work on information texts, in the form of a leaflet. The children had fun exploring different types of leaflets and identifying the features. In Maths, they have made an excellent start with multiplication and division, focusing on the 3 and 6 times tables. In DT, the children are beginning to make their own sustainable food packaging and in RE, the children are almost finished with planning their charity event.