Nursery and Reception Highlights

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Dec 15, 2023

Nursery- Our final full week of the Autumn term in Nursery has been a busy one. We have been getting into the Christmas spirit by creating lots of crafts and creations including some surprise creations for our families. We have been practising our comprehension skills by listening to different stories and then answering questions about it. This has also given us a chance to practise our 'talk to your partner' skills. We enjoyed a visit from Miss Lewis who taught us about the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah.

Reception- This week in reception we read the story The Jolly postman and looked at the different posts a postman can deliver. We wrote letters to Miss Powell, wrapped parcels for our friends and wrote postcards. In math we have been learning about Time, talking about our morning and night-time routine. We have also had a lot of fun making jam sandwiches focusing on giving and writing instructions using instructional language. In topic, we learnt about Christmas sharing our Christmas experiences. The children decorated Christmas trees and stockings.