Year Two and Three Highlights

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Mar 22, 2024

In RE this term, Year 2 have been exploring why Easter is so important to Christians. This week they visited St Mary’s Church where they explored the church’s secret library, including a 400 year old book on how to cure illnesses. Reverend Chris talked to the children about how different days during Holy Week are celebrated in the church and answered their questions on Easter and Christianity.

We started off this week in Year 3 with a fantastic trip back in time at Chiltern Open Air Museum. Children attended workshops which enriched their learning about the Stone and Iron Ages – and they had a blast too! In History, we discussed archaeology day and thought about the skills, tools and importance of an archaeologist’s job. In PSHE, we learned about hazards we may encounter and how to stay safe. In Science, we looked at X rays and how they are used to help radiologists and doctors heal internal injuries.